Social Media and Voting Behaviour in the UK Politics (2024)

Social Media and Voting Behaviour in the UK: Understand how social media is changing UK voters’ voting habits. Examine how social media affects elections, the dissemination of false information, and the threats it poses to democracy. From influencing young voters on Instagram to influencing political campaigns on Facebook. Keep up with the changing landscape of Social Media and Voting Behaviour Uk politics and its long-term effects.

Social Media and Voting Behaviour in the UK Politics (2024)
Social Media and Voting Behaviour in the UK Politics (2024)

There is social media: it’s everywhere, the way we communicate, exchange, and find out everything.

 Indeed, we have seen. The source and receiver of news through social media are more decentralized than prior media delivery systems. In social media, it is the users who have a hand in the decision of what is fit for consumption, rather than the executives, anchors, and editors. These platforms also have the power to influence voter’s behaviour in the UK. keep reading to know the relationship between Social Media and Voting Behaviour Uk.

Evolution of Social Media and Voting Behaviour in the UK

 During these years there have been multiple revisions of the voting system. People used to learn about politics through the newspaper, radio, and TV. The current socially remote reality in the UK is affecting dramatically their political and voting life by taking them away from the original UK experience.

On the stump, candidates aren’t knocking door-to-door but rather putting final touches on a campaign marked by unprecedented mail-in ballots.  More people are online than ever before in human history. Since 2016, the number of false claims on the web has gone up.

Rise of Social Media Platforms

 Until recently, these social media sites were simply response means of communication between friends. Today, about 60% of adults in the United Kingdom communicate on social media about the news according to the latest statistics survey in 2024. Interestingly, social media is becoming a powerful political tool in the world.

Social Media as a News Source

 Lots of people get news through social media nowadays. This could be through Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook where one can get information in a matter of seconds and have a broad spectrum of perspectives. During the 2019 UK general election, a survey found that about 55% of the voters got election updates through social media primarily.

The young people’s vote and the use of social media

Social media is highly active with young individuals especially those who fall in the age bracket between 18-24 years. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are very common with this group. Memes, videos, and influencers largely play an important role in engaging these young voters in politics. According to a survey held in 2024, 70% percent of young voters mentioned that they were influenced by social media when casting their votes.

Older Voters and Social Media

Social Media and Voting Behaviour in the UK Politics (2024)

Even older people now use social networks more often than before. It may not be found on TikTok but Facebook and YouTube have been widely preferred by the old folks. In 2024, it was revealed that 45% of all voters over 55 were getting political news and following campaigns through Facebook and YouTube only.

Fake news and its effect on the way people vote 

Misinformation is what you hear when the topic of fake news in the social media realm is discussed. Fake news can spread fast and mislead the electorate, for example, during the year 2019.  several fake news stories about candidates were widely shared, so the opinion of the public and the voters was influenced.

Brexit and the General Elections 

The Brexit referendum and the recent general elections prove that the misinformation is capable of affecting voting. False statements and misleading statistics that were spread on social media among the voters were the main factors that influenced their opinion. This shows the urgency of information verification and media literacy education among the people.

What is the role social media plays in building echo chambers?

Social media algorithms usually display content that is the same as what the user has already liked. Thus, it can form echo chambers where people can only see the views they agree with.  When people are only given a one-sided story, their decisions might be based on incomplete or biased information.  


Social media is a huge trend in UK politics today. It molds the way people get their news, how political campaigns work, and how voters make their choices. On the one hand, it facilitates increased participation but on the other hand, it presents the problems like fake news and the existence of the echo chambers. The knowledge of these factors is fundamental for the preservation of the democratic system in the digital world.


  1. How has social media changed political campaigns in the UK?

Social media allows political campaigns to reach voters directly with targeted messages, making campaigns more dynamic and interactive.

  1. What are the main social media platforms influencing UK voters?

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are the primary platforms influencing UK voters.

  1. How does misinformation spread on social media affect elections?

Misinformation can mislead voters, distort facts, and ultimately affect election outcomes by shaping public opinion based on false information.

  1. Can social media regulations impact voter behavior?

Yes, stricter regulations can help reduce misinformation and ensure transparency in political advertising, leading to more informed voter behavior.

  1. Which social media platform do politicians use the most?

In recent years, Twitter (X) has been the most often used platform by politicians. 

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Abhishek Kumar is the editor of Nutan Charcha News. Who has been working continuously in journalism for the last many years? Abhishek Kumar has worked in Doordarshan News, Radio TV News and Akash Vani Patna. I am currently publishing my news magazine since 2004 which is internationally famous in the field of politics.

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